Posing & Stage Look PACKAGES >

There’s no sugarcoating with our bodybuilding methods.
Our coaching puts your health at the forefront with a long-term approach 
and an unmatched competitive edge.

First place results with your health at the forefront

Celebrate your strength.

Metabolism and hormone optimization

Individualized feedback

Ongoing support

Science-based workouts

How our coaching is built

Muscular development

Mindset work

Detailed correspondence

Natural approach


Eating disorders

Thyroid issues

Hormonal issues

Quick route fixes

What we aim to avoid

Binge eating

Extreme post-show weight gain

Muscle loss



We offer competition prep coaching for NPC Bikini, IFBB Bikini, NPC Wellness and NPC Figure. We also take pride in serving athletes from natural organizations in the United States such as the OCB, WNBF and PNBA.

— Kayleigh L.


what team fitbliss athletes are saying


$350 per month

16-week program

Competition Prep Coaching

figure, wellness & bikini competition prep

- Ongoing support with weekly check-ins

- Individualized feedback

- Customized training programs

- Nutrition plans

- Cardio and supplement recommendations

- Look suggestions for your suit, hair, makeup and tan


$275 per month

monthly program

off-season coaching

- Ongoing support with weekly check-ins

- Individualized feedback

- Optimize your metabolism, muscular development and mindset

*Please note, that competition prep pricing takes effect 16 weeks out from your show.

Click Here for Posing Pricing

You’ll be assigned a primary online bodybuilding coach to guide you through the process. Keep in mind, though, that each of our 11 female bodybuilding coaches will monitor your progress and collaborate to help you!

1. Partner up with your primary coach

How it works

2. Set up a custom prep plan

4. Get coaching through competition day

3. Check-in and receive feedback

We’ll create a custom plan for the stage you’re in — whether it’s prep, peak week or off-season.

Show up for weekly check-ins where we’ll review your posing videos, progress photos and health stats together to ensure that you are on track to reach your BIG goals while also prioritizing your health. 

When it’s time to compete, we’ll be there to have your back.

We coach all levels of bikini athletes from IFBB Bikini Pros, National level NPC athletes to novice bikini competitors eager to get on stage for the first time. No matter where you are at, our team of coaches are dedicated to ensuring that you have the best contest prep experience possible.

Do you prep high level athletes?

We coach all levels of bikini athletes from IFBB Bikini Pros, National level NPC athletes to novice bikini competitors eager to get on stage for the first time. No matter what point you’re at, our team of coaches are dedicated to ensuring the best contest prep experience possible. 

Do you coach beginners?

You will get to choose the primary coach who you will be checking in with on a weekly basis. This person will write your training programs, answer your questions and offer emotional support.

That said one of the things that makes our team so great is that you will have access to your primary coach. Plus, each one of our prep clients are overseen by a team of 5 Master Prep Coaches, who are all female competitors themselves. Together we will monitor your progress, assess plateaus and make adjustments to your contest prep plan as needed.

Do I get to choose my coach?

frequently asked questions

Most athletes will complete a 3-12 month building phase before officially beginning a contest prep phase which will generally take 12-20 weeks of structured dieting.

How long will my prep take?

Our preferred federation for the Bikini, Wellness and Figure division is the NPC/IFBB as it’s the highest level and most competitive. Though, it is important to note that this federation is not drug tested, which is one of the reasons why your contest prep will likely take somewhat longer than you’d like. Elite level results will take time to achieve naturally.

That said, we have also had success prepping clients for the WBFF, NGA, WNBF and OCB. In fact, these federations are usually easier to place well in. 

What federations do you coach people for?

We are most known for prepping NPC/IFBB bikini athletes, but we are more than comfortable with coaching wellness and figure competitors as well.

What divisions do you coach people for?

At Fitbliss, we take the time to set you up for success and that typically means no more than 4-5 30 minute cardio sessions per week as an absolute max (150 minutes per week). If you were in a situation that you needed to do more, we would typically choose a better contest date for you. 

In general, most of our prep athletes do 10-20 minutes of cardio 3-4 days per week. We also monitor your step count and will sometimes utilize increasing steps instead of adding cardio training.

How much cardio will I do?

For natural athletes, recovery is of the utmost importance. To leverage the best results, we will limit your training to 4-5 days per week. 

How many days per week should I expect to train?

We utilize a flexible dieting approach which will require you to track your food to hit specific goals, especially a daily protein and calorie target. As you get closer to your contest, you will also need to hit specific fat and carb intakes as well.

Will I have to follow a meal plan?

We pride ourselves on taking the time necessary to build our clients into successful competitors through hard work, time and by utilizing all of the current research and protocols available for natural athletes. This approach will typically take longer and require you to train even harder than your enhanced competition, but will allow you to have a long, healthy career and maintain your overall health long term.   

Do you put your athletes on steroids?

Catch us at the following shows

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ready for a team of experienced, natural bodybuilding coaches to support your competition prep?